Private Antenatal Classes
Zana can provide private antenatal classes, tailored to your needs, in your home, her home (nr Southampton, Hampshire, UK) or online. If we meet online, Zana will ensure that you have breaks from the screen if and when needed so that your session doesn’t feel too heavy-going or like you're wading through treacle!
One advantage of online working is, of course, that we don’t have to be geographically close to one-another, so if you don’t live in the Southampton/New Forest or Hampshire area you’re still welcome to get in touch.
One-to-one private antenatal classes will suit you if, for example, you...
- Don't want a long antenatal course over several weeks (perhaps you’ve had children before, you’re opting for a caesarean birth, you've left things too late to book anything else, you've already done a course but there are gaps in your knowledge or requirements, etc), or...
- You can’t find an antenatal course that fits your requirements, or...
- If you find it easier to learn and explore your personal issues in a more private setting (ie not in a group)
Prior to your private antenatal class you'll chat with Zana on the phone or via email so you can discuss what you’d like to get from your antenatal class(es). If you’re not sure, don’t worry; Zana will help you work out what will be most useful to you and your birth partner and will be honest about the amount of time you might need and what your options are. Your antenatal class will then be tailored completely to your needs to ensure you get the most from it.
Private antenatal class sessions can be booked as one-offs (or as multiples of) 2, 3 or 4 hours at a time. For costs, please go to the costs page.
Below are some examples of what a tailored antenatal class might include.
You don’t have to choose any of these exactly as they’re presented. Your class will be created just for you. These examples are just so you can see the kind of things you could choose to include.
Top priority - dealing with pain
Your class might include the following, with background or context to explain why each is relevant to pain in labour...
How fear has a negative impact on labour and can increase pain, including fear/tension/pain cycle
Reducing fear/anxiety, increasing confidence and calm
The pros/cons/implications of different types of medical pain relief
How labour usually works best
Impact of the birth environment and how to make it feel more calming
Moving around during labour, working with your body, physical skills
Birth partner’s role
Breathing/relaxation for self-control and calm
Top priority – looking after our baby
Your class might include the following...
Sleep safety, putting your baby to bed, co-sleeping, background and statistics
How do I know if my baby is ill or well?
Postnatal mental health including postnatal depression and puerperal psychosis – how to recognise, getting help
What to expect during any 24 hours with a newborn baby
Attachment theory and healthy brain development for your baby
Establishing breastfeeding
Responding appropriately to your baby, awareness of your baby’s needs
Self-care, looking after yourselves so you can be the parents you want to be
Sources of support
Top priority – preparing for a caesarean birth
Your class might include the following...
Exploration of your feelings and any concerns
What happens on the day
Breathing and relaxation to help you remain calm before, during and after – birth partner too!
Anaesthetics – what they are, what to expect
The process of the operation and birth of your baby
Immediately afterwards – baby’s care, mother’s care
Going home
If you don’t have a particular “top priority”, don't worry! Zana can help you work out what matters most to you so you get the most from our time together. We can even just work through your list of questions if you prefer. The choice is yours.
As breathing and relaxation is always a popular option,
Zana has created a 2-hour workshop especially for you and your birth partner, including plenty of time to practise and explore these potentially new skills. Many other classes theorise about 'the breathing' but you don’t always get the chance to actually 'do it', to explore ideas, approaches and ways to focus so you can find the way forward that works best for you. If you want to use focused breathing to help you cope more calmly during labour, you will benefit from some friendly professional guidance to get you started. One size doesn’t fit all, so you’ll have the opportunity to try out a few things to help you discover what works best for you and what you're most comfortable with.
A little about Zana...
Zana has been creating and providing responsive antenatal courses and classes to groups, couples and individuals for over 20 years. She has also provided education, training and experiential learning for student midwives, hypnobirthing teachers and counsellors. She has the training, expertise and experience to listen carefully to you and to produce a bespoke class or course. She is friendly, adaptable and flexible in her approach.
Whether you’ve been labelled “high” or “low” risk, Zana can help you explore the pros and cons of various scenarios or recommendations, help you discover your birth preferences and to be clear about your decisions, with a focus on what you can do rather than what you can't, taking into account your individual situation. She cannot, however, give personal medical advice. If you have specific medical needs please speak to your midwife or doctor.
If you would like to plan a 1-1 private antenatal class to suit you and your birth partner please contact Zana either by email: info@BirthingWithConfidence.co.uk
or by text/phone: 07905658386